Indiana, COVID-19 and Our Options

Explore Indiana
Explore Indiana is about getting out and finding new favorite places to visit, fun events to attend, and ways to enjoy family and friends. We are providing a place for businesses of all sizes with an affordable option for getting information out to communities as we find ourselves needing to rethink how we are doing things for awhile. How do we beat the "sameness" of sheltering in place?  
Restrictions are beginning to gradually relax as infection rates subside. That means more opportunities to get out to parks and other outside activities. Explore Indiana Is looking for businesses who offer limited contact services. Do you provide limited contact services such as food take-out and delivery, home repair, car servicing, etc.? Are there parks that are opening up?  We would like to include them here and hope you'll let us know what is available in your area. For a limited time we will be listing those businesses and places at no charge in hopes that this makes your day a little better. 
Hoosiers will get through this stronger and better connected as ever! 
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